Formation of Mudra:-
The tip of the middle finger is to be touched to the top of thumb in this Mudra. Remaining fingers are to be kept straight but at ease.
Practice of this Mudra increases AKASH or SPACE element in our body. So the diseases caused by deficiency of this element can be cured within a few days practice.
If this Mudra is done during the meditation,it helps purify emotions and thoughts. Also vibrations can be felt on Gayn kendra (the tip of the head sahastrachakra) along with a divine power.
The practices of this Mudra increase the intuition power and alertness.
This Mudra is beneficial for bone disease, as the calcium content increases and makes bones stronger. For those using steroids and cotirgens, this Mudra removes the side effects caused.
This Mudra removes teeth problems and makes teeth strong. Locked jaws caused due to yawing can be cured. That is why, during yawing, fingers are snapped.
As the middle finger is connected to the heart, all heart-related problems such as uncontrolled pulse rate, blood pressure, angina pain, and hemoglobin are benefited by this mudra. Because of these heart problems, the mudra may not be perfect but gradual practice will improve it.
If the prayer beads are placed on the thumb and turned/rotated with tip of the middle finger, the mind enjoys prosperity, power and material happiness. Those who hope to get rid of their sins or get liberation should turn the beads with the index or ring finger.
Special Note:-
During this Mudra the palms should be facing the sky.
This Mudra is more beneficial if done during dawn.
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